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25% off Bath Trial

A Clean Pet is a Happy Pet

2 hr
By Breed & Weight

Service Description

Bathing your dog is an important part of general pet care. The benefits of bathing can include cleaning the skin and coat which helps to remove and unpleasant odor, dirt on their coat, loose hair, scale and debris and improve the hair coat’s shine. The benefits of bathing can include cleaning the skin and coat which helps to remove loose hair, scale and debris and improve the hair coat’s shine. For dogs with specific skin conditions, bathing may be part of their medical treatment plan as recommended by their vet. Bath Service included : Bathing, Conditioning, Brushing, Blow Drying, Belly Hair Shaving. Nail Clipping. Paw Hair Removal. Ear Cleaning, Anal Gland Express 洗澡是其中寵物護理的重要組成部分之一。專業洗澡服務的好處包括,清潔皮膚層和毛髮層,這有助於去除和消滅異味,毛髮上的污垢,整理鬆散的毛髮,去除死毛,死皮和毛碎屑,能夠大大改善毛髮的光澤及皮膚的健康。 對於患有特別皮膚問題的毛孩,根據獸醫的說法,洗澡亦都可能是其醫療方案中的其中重要一環。 基本沖涼服務包括: 花灑淋浴,毛髮護理,口腔護理,剪肚底毛,腳底毛,pat pat毛,指甲修剪,耳朵清潔,拔耳仔毛,肛門腺清潔。

Contact Details

  • Hong Kong

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