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5 Tips to Walk an Anxious dogs💡

5 Tips to walk an Anxious Dog 💡

1. Walk somewhere quiet

2. Keep your pet close to you while walking to build a trust between you two🧲.

3. Start with a short walk and walk the same route every time.

4. Treat is a great distraction, so bring some small treats🍬 for positive reinforcement.

5. Reward with a treat after every dog walk to build your dog’s interest🦴.

Yet, the most important is to find out what trigger your pet's fear. Seek a dog trainer's advise.

Picking a set of suitable Collar and Leash is important to walk an anxious dogs .

We will recommend a half choke chain to start with..




 1) 由少人嘅地方開始散步,習慣咗才慢慢帶佢去多啲人嘅地方/去狗公園。

 2) 讓狗狗貼近你散步,避開會引起焦慮的人或動物。

3) 選擇簡短的步行路線,而且每次都走相同的路線,盡可能避免觸發焦慮的路線。

4) 步行時準備少量零食,幫助狗狗分散注意力。

5) 步行完畢後給予適當獎勵,可令狗狗慢慢喜愛散步。  焦慮的狗狗會試圖脫下狗帶,主人要確保狗狗佩戴合適狗帶。


想揾條實用又TRAIN到狗既狗帶帶? 可以了解下我地choke chain 款式😍



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